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美国专家预测中国下一批网络攻击目标-BOYU SPORTS

2024-09-22 18:12:27 点击量:233

本文摘要:US security services and cyber security specialists are scouring China’s latest five-year plan for clues to which US companies might become the next targets of Chinese hacking attacks.美国安全部门和网络安全专家正在细读中国近期的五年规划,借此找寻哪些美国企业有可能沦为中国下一批黑客攻击目标的线索。

US security services and cyber security specialists are scouring China’s latest five-year plan for clues to which US companies might become the next targets of Chinese hacking attacks.美国安全部门和网络安全专家正在细读中国近期的五年规划,借此找寻哪些美国企业有可能沦为中国下一批黑客攻击目标的线索。China’s last five-year plan highlighted energy, healthcare, steel and other sectors as focuses of its major initiatives from 2011 to 2015.中国的上一个五年规划将2011年至2015年期间的发展重点确认为能源、医疗、钢铁等行业。

In the same period, companies such as health insurer Anthem, US Steel, Westinghouse Electric and medical device group Medtronic suffered what are believed by Washington officials to be state-sponsored hacks by China.在此期间,医疗保险公司Anthem、美国钢铁公司(US Steel)、西屋电气(Westinghouse Electric)、以及医疗器械集团美敦力(Medtronic)遭了美国官员指出有中国政府讨好的黑客攻击。“To China, gaining knowledge about seed technology or medical devices are matters of national security,” an FBI official said. “So it’s not seen as stealing the way we see it. That’s why everything is fair game to them and why companies active in sectors mentioned in the five-year plans have to be extra vigilant.”“对中国来说,提供关于种子技术或医疗器械的科学知识是国家安全性问题,”美国联邦调查局(FBI)一名官员回应,“因此,此类不道德不被视作我们所指出的盗窃。这就是为什么在他们显然一切都是合理目标,为什么活跃于五年规划所提及的行业的企业必需十分警觉。

”The latest plan covering 2016 to 2020 focuses on modernising the military and improving green technology, including defence stealth technology, renewable energy and innovation .近期的五年规划涵括2016年至2020年,侧重于军事现代化和改良绿色技术,还包括军用隐形技术、可再生能源和创意。“There’s a direct connection between the sectors highlighted in China’s five-year plans and the businesses that suffer breaches in the US,” said Peter LaMontagne, chief executive of big data analytics group Novetta and a US diplomat in Beijing during the 1990s. “If it’s a priority for China, it should be a priority for US companies to protect themselves.”“中国五年规划所提及的行业与美国遭遇反击的企业之间不存在必要关联,”大数据分析公司Novetta首席执行官、上世纪90年代曾为美国派驻北京外交官的彼得·纳蒙塔涅(Peter LaMontagne)回应,“如果这是中国的优先事项,那就应当是美国企业自我维护的优先事项。”China still relies on adapting technology and best practices from overseas for development. Beijing’s new plan will launch during one of the slowest periods of growth in decades, which might encourage more cyber espionage, security experts say.中国在发展方面依然依赖糅合海外的技术和最佳实践中。安全性专家们回应,北京方面的新规划将在几十年来经济快速增长最快的时期之一投放实行,这可能会希望更好的网络间谍活动。

Tom Kellermann, chief cyber security officer for Trend Micro, said the sectors that have been targeted by China have been severely hurt because companies benefiting from the breaches have been able to copy or improve products based on stolen data and then undercut US rivals in pricing.趋势科技公司(Trend Micro)首席网络安全官汤姆·凯勒曼(Tom Kellermann)回应,此前被中国射击的行业遭到了相当严重伤害,因为受益于这些黑客攻击的中国企业需要在失窃数据的基础上仿造或改良产品,然后再行定价上比不上美国竞争对手。

本文关键词:博鱼(boyu·中国)官方网站,BOYU SPORTS


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