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2024-09-30 18:54:01 点击量:355

本文摘要:On Tuesday, 17-year-old Thomas Sohmers unveiled a new super fast computer server that uses a fraction of the electricity that a normal computer does.Hes showing it off at the Open Compute Project (OCP) Summit happening this week in San Francisco.This computer is the first product from Sohmers startup, REX Computing, created with 52-year-old co-founder and CTO Kurt Keville.本周二,年仅17岁的Thomas Sohmers发售了一个全新的高速计算机服务器,该计算机功耗极低,该计算机用于了低能耗的ARM处理器,而其所须要电量仅有为一台普通电脑一小部分。

On Tuesday, 17-year-old Thomas Sohmers unveiled a new super fast computer server that uses a fraction of the electricity that a normal computer does.Hes showing it off at the Open Compute Project (OCP) Summit happening this week in San Francisco.This computer is the first product from Sohmers startup, REX Computing, created with 52-year-old co-founder and CTO Kurt Keville.本周二,年仅17岁的Thomas Sohmers发售了一个全新的高速计算机服务器,该计算机功耗极低,该计算机用于了低能耗的ARM处理器,而其所须要电量仅有为一台普通电脑一小部分。在本周在旧金山举办的Open Compute Project (OCP)大会上,Sohmers展出了这台服务器。这个产品是Sohmers所创立的企业REX所发售的第一个产品,REX的另一位创始人为52岁的Kurt Keville,目前Keville兼任公司的CTO。The computer is a very powerful machine built with ARM processors, the kind low-power processors that run smartphones and tablets. These servers allow more computing power o be packed into a smaller space. And that has big implications for building green-but-powerful data centers.I think of myself as an entrepreneur besides just being an electrical engineer. I believe what Im doing can have a major effective on the world, Sohmers said.He dropped out of high school to join Peter Thiels controversial startup accelerator, the 20 Under 20 Thiel Fellowship. Thiel, the former PayPal CEO and famous Silicon Valley venture capitalist known for his early investment in Facebook, is a libertarian who has often spoken out about the absurd cost of college these days.So in 2011, he started a program that encourages kids to start companies instead of going to college. It gives them $100,000 in seed money and access to some of the Valleys greatest technologists as mentors.Sohmers is an electrical engineering prodigy who at age 13 started working at the research lab at MIT. Thats where he met his co-founder and CTO, Keville, he said.Sohmers所发售的这个产品,堪称将高速运算能力和低能耗集为一体。

Sohmers回应:“除了电子工程师外,我指出我还是一位创业者。我坚信,我所写的工作,将不会对整个世界产生最重要的影响。”Sohmers在几年前从高中退学,重新加入了Peter Thiel创办的创业加速器20 Under 20 Thiel Fellowship。2011年,在其他同龄人都在准备考大学的时候,Sohmers开始自学编程。

他取得了10万美元的种子资金,并且追随硅谷中一些知名的技术人才展开自学。Sohmers曾在麻省理工学院研究实验室展开工作和自学,研究从增强现实眼镜到激光通信系统的任何东西。也是在那里,他看到了REX的另一位牵头创始人Kurt Keville。

但是在他月转入麻省理工学院研究室之前,他的父母或许并不过于反对他退出学业。With his technical genius and startup launched, hes not planning on going back and finishing high school, either.This is my third time applying for the Fellowship. I first applied when I was 14, he said. I told my parents when I first applied and they weren’t really supportive. But then they kind of saw what I was doing in high school, I wasn’t spending my time as effectively as I could. I started spending more of my time at MIT and they understood. When I did receive the fellowship, they were supportive.Fortunately for Sohmers, hes in good hands. Hes part of class No. 3 and Thiel fellows have a promising track record so far: its launched 67 companies that have created 135 full-time jobs and raised $55.4 million in angel and venture funding, the Wall Street Journals Lora Kolodny reports.At 17, Sohmers is unconcerned that being a high-school dropout will affect his career in any way.If I don’t end up changing the world with this I can find something else, he said. People think that there’s a big thought war between these two sides [education versus entrepreneurship]. But when it comes to the researchers, they care less about the degrees that you have, and more about what you can actually do.Sohmers回应:“我曾多次先后三次申请加入麻省理工学院研究室。我第一次申请人的时候是14岁,那时我的父母并不过于反对我。





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