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博鱼(boyu·中国)官方网站:谷歌推出OnHub智能路由器 Google takes on cable groups with a smart rou

2024-09-21 03:52:33 点击量:182

本文摘要:Google is attempting to put itself at the centre of domestic wireless networks with a new “smart router” that promises to improve WiFi quality and security.谷歌(Google)于是以力求让自己置身于家庭无线网络的中心。

Google is attempting to put itself at the centre of domestic wireless networks with a new “smart router” that promises to improve WiFi quality and security.谷歌(Google)于是以力求让自己置身于家庭无线网络的中心。该公司公布了一款未来将会提高WiFi质量和安全性的新型“智能路由器”。OnHub’s launch comes weeks before Apple is expected to unveil its latest home technology device, with an update to its Apple TV set-top box that will act as a wireless “smart home” hub. The launch also puts Google into competition with many cable companies which offer their own home hubs for watching TV and getting online.谷歌公布OnHub路由器,比外界预计苹果(Apple)将发售其近期家庭技术设备的时间早于了几周——苹果将要公布最新款的电视机顶盒Apple TV,可用于无线“智能家居”中心。

此次新品公布也使谷歌正处于跟有线电视公司竞争的境地,许多有线电视公司也获取用作看电视和网际网路的家居中心。The inclusion of Bluetooth and other methods of wireless connectivity means Google’s $200 OnHub will be able to control the “internet of things” inside the home as more consumers buy connected peripherals such as wireless speakers, thermostats and security cameras.谷歌定价200美元的OnHub路由器包括蓝牙和其他无线连接技术,意味著它将需要掌控家庭内的“物联网”。

如今,更加多的消费者出售了无线音箱、恒温器和监控摄像头等可相连外设。The project has been developed over the past two years by teams who worked on the Chrome operating system and Google Access, the unit responsible for its superfast fibreoptic-based network.这个项目是由负责管理Chrome操作系统的多个团队和Google Access历时两年牵头已完成研发的。Google Access是谷歌旗下负责管理其超强较慢光纤网络的部门。

Google has taken an Apple-like approach to designing OnHub, concealing the antennas that usually protrude from a router inside a cylinder that can be customised with a range of colours and patterns. Google has made other internal improvements to regular routers that it says will make OnHub easier to manage and allow WiFi networks to run faster and over a wider area.谷歌在OnHub设计上使用了类似于苹果的方法,把一般来说引人注目在路由器外面的天线隐蔽到一个圆筒中,圆筒可以自定义为有所不同颜色和样式。谷歌还在其他方面对常规路由器展开了内部改良,并回应,这将使OnHub更加便于管理,使WiFi网络运营得更慢,覆盖面积到更加甚广范围。

While OnHub will remain part of Google after the internet company becomes a subsidiary of new parent Alphabet, under a corporate shake-up announced by chief executive Larry Pagelast week, no information about browsing or viewing behaviour will be used to tailor online advertising, the company says.谷歌回应,尽管OnHub在公司重组后仍将是谷歌的一部分,但用户网页或观赏不道德的涉及信息将会被用作量身定做在线广告。上周,谷歌首席执行官拉里椠奇(Larry Page)宣告了公司的重组方案,谷歌此后将沦为新的正式成立的母公司Alphabet的子公司。The OnHub device may in time work with peripherals from Nest, the smart-home unit that will become a separate Alphabet subsidiary to Google.OnHub以后也许不会跟Nest的外设产品互相相容。


本文关键词:博鱼(boyu·中国)官方网站,BOYU SPORTS


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